Clinically Proven To Heal Symptoms Of Typical Cold Sores Fast Within 24-48 Hours
Individual results may vary for symptoms relief.
Chronic and resistant strains of the virus may require more use of the product and take longer period to heal
Reduces Cold Sores Healing Time FAST - Within 24 - 48 Hours*
Quick Pain Relief
Apply at any stage
One Application To One Outbreak
Inactivates The Virus
Dries Up Blisters
Powerful Natural Formula
Clinically Proven And Published*
Described By Users As The Best Cold Sore Treatment
Can’t live without this stuff!!!! - Hayley M
I recently woke up with little blister filled bumps above my top lip and I knew straight away I needed to use dynamiclear as I had waiting for this day. It’s day 2 after applying it pretty much straight away on day 1. It has literally scabbed up and fallen off and just has a red mark that will heal in no time. I can’t believe it took 2 days to get rid of something that usually lasts weeks and weeks. I couldn’t speak more highly of this product! I also didn’t use any creams as I wanted to test dynamiclear and see if it really was magic.
Product Review
Best Product on the market to deal with a cold sore - Jess
Absolutely love the product. Its fast acting and can get rid of a cold sore within two days with it not really appearing to full capacity on my lip with all blisters… I will continue to purchase this product as its the only thing in the market that really works. Thank you for making such a great product.
Great service, even to little old NZ ! - savedmyface
I was given Dynamiclear to try the night before my wedding day, as I felt the dreaded ‘tingle’ and flew into panic mode !! It really did save the day which just happened to be one of the most important days in my life !! Thankyou, you saved my face and my photos !!
Great Product - Merrell
This product works so well for me but I have not been able to find the little canister anywhere. The outbreak can be gone within one or two days with this product. Have never found anything else that clears it up as quickly as this.
I've never left a review for anything in my life - Don S
This stuff is simply too good. have used it for years. I woke up yesterday morning 0800 with a swollen upper lip and tingling – the all too familiar beginning of 10-12 days of anxiety and looking like the elephant man. Immediately I applied a vial, kept it dry all day. Its now 11pm the following day, swelling is 95% gone and tiny soft scab is formed. Completely skipped the 3 days of unsightly swelling prior to the 5-7 days of blister stage.. now left with a tiny scab that will heal days faster than the resulting scab at day ~10 if the wound was allowed to run its natural course.
The best product for cold sores! - Charlene
My 13 year old son gets between 3 and 9 fever blisters a year. We have tried every cream, gel and patch available (from various counties as we are always on the lookout for the most effective product). Dynamiclear Rapid is by far the best one we have found! It’s easy to apply and only needs to be applied once. Blisters clear up quickly and healing is much faster than any other products. It’s the only herpes treatment we will use from now on!
Best cold sore treatment - henrypvasquez
Ive been using this for 11 years now and never failed even once, literally scab appears after minutes of application, I always have this on stock in my fridge.great great.
Ask your local Pharmacy for Dynamiclear Rapid
Thousands of units sold through pharmacies retail outlets in AUS, CANADA AND USA and over 99%+ Satisfied Consumers.
Conditions Apply: If the product does not work for you, please email [email protected] and tell us where and when you purchased the product (online / pharmacy name & date). Return the unused product, with an explanation of how you applied the product and how many days your cold sore persisted after application, including before and after use photos of your cold sore, and whether you purchased another cold sore medication to treat your symptoms. We guarantee to refund you in full.
Dynamiclear Rapid is an easy-to-use, 1-time application gel
Apply Dynamiclear Rapid, let it dry and forget about your cold sore…
Step1. Insert application into glass vial provided watch liquid drawing up exposed end. If Liquid does not come out reverse insert the applicator into the glass vial
Step2. Hold applicator with glass vials and apply to the cold sores by gently pressing on the outbreak for 30 to 60secs. If applying at early stages on unbroken skin press and hold for longer time.
Step 3. If needed apply several times to the outbreaks over 5 to 10mins until most of the medicine is thoroughly absorbed.
o If applying at Blistered or weeping stage a sharp sting may be felt momentarily that subsides over short time.
o Avoid touching the eyes if you got medicine on your fingers or hands. Not be used inside the eyes.
Where to Buy
Now available through selected pharmacies Australia wide
Click below to find the nearest stockist